Difference between Dyeing and Printing
Difference between Dyeing and Printing: No. Dyeing Printing 1. No localized application. Localized application. 2. Higher liquor ratio. Less liquor ratio. 3. Thickener is not used. Thickener is used. 4. Color is applied through solution. Color is applied through paste. 5. Only one dye solution is used in case of dyeing application. One or more dye is used during the application of printing. 6. Fibers,yarn,fabrics are dyed by applying of dyeing application. Printing is done on the fabric surface. 7. Perfect design is not needed here. Perfect design is must needed. Dyeing: Dyeing is the process of imparts colors of textile material through a colorant (dyes and pigments). Colorant: Organic and inorganic materials that can impart color on textile. Dye: Dyes are colored,unsat...