Types of commercial cotton
Types of commercial cotton
- Sea Island Cotton: This is the highest quality and most valuable of all the commercial cottons. It grows on the coast of the Gulf of Florida, in Barbados , and in other adjacent Island where the climate is favorable.
- Properties
Length: Average length
2 inch
Diameter: Average 1/1500
inch (0.017mm)
Color: White to cream
- Advantages / uses
It is famous for its uniformity, maturity, high luster ,
softness and its highly developed twist. It can be used for spinning counts as
high as 1/200.
- Egyptian cotton: There are two kinds of Egyptian cotton , one brown and other white. Brown Egyptian cotton is like Sea Island Cotton.
- Properties
Length: 1.5 -1.75inch
Diameter: Average 1/1500
inch (0.017mm)
Color: Brown, which makes the bleaching process more
White Egyptian cotton is not so fine , having a staple
length about 1 inch.
- Advantages/ Uses
Brown Egyptian cotton
is very regular and contains few immature or dead fibers. It can be used for
spinning counts as high as 1/200 . But white Egyptian cotton is not suitable
for counts higher than 1/ 70.
- South American Cotton:
Length : Average length 1 to 1.5 inch
Diameter: Average 1/1300 inch (0.019mm)
It is very suitable for mixing with regenerated man made
- American cotton
This is cultivated in
United States.
- Properties
Length: Average length 1 to 1.25 inch
Diameter: Average 1/1200 inch (0.021mm)
Color: Good natural color
It can not be used for the extremely
- Indian cotton
This is a short fibre of between 0.6-0.8 inch length . It is
therefore only suitable for spinning coarse counts.
- China cotton
This is the lowest grade commercial
cotton . The fiber length lies between 0.5 to 0.7 inch . Its twist is
not highly developed and rather harsh.
It is not suitable for spinning a good yarn alone and is usually used in
a mixer with better qualities.
- Bangladeshi Cotton
Mainly American cotton is producing in Bangladesh. Commercial hybrid types of cotton are
producing at Maherpur. Kusthia, Jessore, Gazipur, Thakurgoan , Rajshahi, and
some other districts. The quality of Bangladesh cotton is not suitable for
quality textile processing. But their quality is improving day by day. During
the year 200/2003 Bangladesh produced around
1500 MT cotton . It is possible to produce max . 60s Ne yarn from best quality
Bangladeshi cotton.
Bangladeshi climate is not perfect for cotton cultivation,
so Bangladeshi cotton is not suitable for textile processing.
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