Moisture Regain,Moisture Content & Relative Humidity Details
Moisture Relation and Testing

Relative Humidity:  It is a ratio of actual vapor density and saturation vapor density , expressed in percentage.
Relative Humidity (RH%) =
(Actual Vapor Density)
-------------------- -----      X 100%
(Saturation Vapor Density)

Moisture Regain:It is a weight  of water in a material  expressed as a percentage  of the oven dry weight.

Moisture Regain=
weight of water
---------------------X 100%
Oven dry weight


Moisture Content:It is a ratio  weight of water and total material weight expressed in percentage.

                              weight of water(W)
Moisture content: --------------------------x100%
                              Total weight(W+D)
Oven dry weight: The constant weight obtained by drying of the textlile matreials. 

 Importance of  moisture meaurement:
Ø Moisture changes the physical properties of cotton.
Ø When high moisture content increases the flexibility, toughness, elongation and tensile strength.
Ø Again, when moisture content is too high ,it causes difficulty in the processing due to the  tendency the stock to lap on drafting roll s. i.e. when cotton contain is too high moisture problem in carding  because cylinder and taker in are lapping  with cotton.
Ø Low moisture also problem, facilities in cleaning but increases the brittleness of the fiber.
Ø According to low moisture breakage the fiber when the fibers ginning , cleaning & mill processing.

Ø Low moisture also increases the fly waste  and create static electricity i.e. static electricity attract the dust , dirt its problem in manufacturing and losses the quality .
Relation between moisture regain and moisture content. Standard testing atmosphere, are given this link


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